Monday, September 17, 2018

Witch Gourd Centerpiece

Here's a fun project - let's call it witch gourd art. I try to get one done every year. I just happened upon a photo of this one from 2011.

The gourd (found at a local pumpkin patch) was already witchy green. Picking one is fun and many of them are so warty! This one is laying on it's side with the stem knob as a nose. It was embellished with acrylic paint. No finish required. The hat is fashioned from tin foil and wound with strips of heavy black plastic (what I had on hand) and trimmed with odd and ends. I used just enough hot glue to tack the hat in place then I used  u-shaped wreath pins to secure the hat to the head.

A gourd like this usually lasts weeks before and well past the witching season (indoors). It makes a quick and economical centerpiece. Kids like this kind of project. Help them pick out a small one and create a whole coven! Ha! Try it!

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